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Monday 4 April 2016

Delayed Easter Post – Why are there 14 Stations of the Cross? - (854)

Had to Ask

I was asked this question over Easter: “Why are there are 14 stations of the cross?”. I honestly didn’t have an answer or even a clue as to why there are 14 stations. So I asked and this post is about the answer that I got.

Legend of Osiris Being Dismembered into 14 Pieces

There is an Egyptian myth, (mind you Christianity has some roots in Egypt) where Osiris was murdered by Seth and 72 other co-conspirators. Osiris was later dismembered by Seth into 14 pieces. Where upon Isis went searching for the 14 pieces and eventually found them. The last member was the phallus of Osiris.

When all the pieces were found and put together Osiris resurrected from the dead. Later Isis and Horus slew Seth or sometimes in similar legends is referred to as Typhon.

Conclusion - 14 Comes from the Myth of Osiris’ Dismemberment

The 14 stations comes from the myth of Osiris’ dismemberment. Isis had to go through 14 distinct works or stages to make possible the unity and resurrection of Osiris which we knows of as the Egyptian Christ.

Sometimes Osiris is in Egypt is akin to the force of life that feeds man, and the grain. When the grain is sowed and begins to grow it was considered that Osiris had resurrected and that when the grain was harvested it was considered that Osiris had died. The grain as we know is a very solar element and is always a symbol of the Christ.

End (854).

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