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Thursday 28 April 2016

Practical Example about the Types of Karma - (878)


This post comes as an answer to a question that I received about a previous post to do with the types of karma. You can see the original post here.

This post adds a practical example for each of the three types of karma in the esoteric category that you can see below and find in the original post.



So for the cone type of karma, this happens often in life in relationships for example where we start a relationship and something happens where both people disagree and a little later down the track due to resentment something else happens and the relationships starts to get affected and certain beliefs or impressions start to creep where we believe the other party don’t really like us anymore and so this belief causes us to act in a way that further damages the relationship and things get worse, more complicated, avoidance, friction, opposition, rivalry etc. harsh words, sarcasm, words with double meaning all start to enter into the picture and things generally just get worse leading us soon to a falling apart which is a the karmic consequence of all that has happened before.



We may for example have tried to get a girlfriend or boyfriend but it just never worked out and no matter how hard we try and what we try it just never works out and we are alone and stay alone for a long time and even end up passing through old age alone and die alone without someone being by our side.



This one is quite easy where we can be at work and at home, two different environments and in both we suffer and pay karmic debts. We have a debt with our boss to cancel where we were the boss before and now he is the boss and he is the one in charge of collecting the debts that we incurred with him from the past where we treated him harshly and unfairly and humiliated him etc. etc. and now he does it to us to make us pay our debts. Then at home because we have been an aweful parent in the past we have tough kids or parents to deal with at home thus we pay our debts on in both environments in parallel or at the same time.

End (878).

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