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Monday 2 May 2016

A Practical Way to Deal with Sexual Desire - (879)


I get asked this question now and then and I thought that it would be worthwhile posting something about it. Mostly because people in some degree or another at some point or stage of life have to or have had deal with, but no one really says how or what they do or have done.

I have written down a step by step guide that I hope may work for people.

Step 1 – Realise be Aware

The first step is to become fully aware of what is going on.

There will be one or two parts to it, no more.

One part is the physical, instinctive and sexual pressure or tension or impulse or agitation or appetite or desire or yearning etc. etc. being felt. This comes from the accumulation of the sexual energy over time.

The other part is the psychological part where there will be ideas, images, forms, shapes, memories, lacking, desires of wishing to feel something (safety, friendship, security, companionship, intimacy, love, attention, affection, pleasure, sensation, adventure, relaxation etc. etc.) and so on.

In this case we know that it is one or another ego of sexuality thinking and feeling inside of us and wanting us to take some sort of action.

Don’t allow yourself to be deceived here!

Step 2 – Separate and Observe

Know then that this is an ego, and it will go and we will feel completely differently soon and we can live without it and we can be fine without.

It also is not us. We are not completely totally that single desire, we are so much more. It is an ego or gremlin in our mind jumping and screaming out in our mind.

Then observe it to know it more so to be able to see its mechanicity and its wants, ideas, logic and nature.

Step 3 – Stop

Don’t act upon it. Keep it as a thought process that comes and goes only. Try very hard to just let those thoughts gently go when they fill the mind. Above all try your best to not give it your imagination.

Rest and trust in that truth that you will be fine without it and happier without it.

Don’t get deceived thinking that you have to act so to know it more or get it out of your system. It will come back stronger and stronger.

Step 4 – Transmute with Intention, Concentration and Intensity

Transmute with determination, inhale deeply and use your will and imagination to move the sexual energy up from the sexual organs into the brain and down into the heart.

Do this for as long as you feel all desire or sensation etc. go from you. This could take some time or not, it could be only a few minutes or it could be 30 minutes or 40 minutes.

Step 5 - Divine Mother

Pray to the Divine Mother asking her to dissolve the thought processes and to transform the desire.


These five steps can be done very quickly, the most important steps are 3 and 4. Don’t think, because that will inevitably give your mind over to the ego of lust that is bothering you and then you will be in trouble again so just do the steps, if you find it too long just do steps 3 and 4.

End (879).

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