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Tuesday 5 April 2016

Repentance - (855)

A Strong Force

Repentance is a strong force inside of one, that if used correctly can take one deeper into the comprehension of the ego or the 'I' in question.

To evoke-repentance is the question. Here are some points that may help:


To contrast our thoughts, feelings and actions with the ethics, principles and laws of the work, the path and the Being always produces something in us, sometimes a feeling of shame or stupidity, but repentance is better.

When we contrast we feel regret, remorse, clear that we have erred, and this is the start of repentance. The yearning to wash away to rise above and to possess the light to conquer the defect that caused the error emerges alongside of repentance.

Become Aware of the Effects of the Error

Become aware of the distance between our essence or ourselves and our consciousness and the Being.

Become Aware of the Lack of Progress and the Backward Step

When we begin to work hope as a power emerges in us. We feel that with the work we can wash away the karma and the error, and most importantly conquer the light to be at peace in relation to this defect, knowing with sanity that it can not and will not overwhelm or overcome us again!

End (855).

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