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Thursday 14 April 2016

Vehicles for the White Lodge - (867)

We Gnostics are Potential Vehicles of the White Lodge

We as Gnostic students are many things and one of them is a vehicle for the white lodge. We are all essentially conduits for the white lodge to deposit its force into so to help us and for us to help others and humanity.

Basically the white lodge needs physical vehicles here on Earth to be able to carry out its missions to help humanity and the planet. The white lodge we know is in the internal worlds and therefore moves tremendous internal forces though in the end these forces must converge onto something physical so that these internal forces can function here in the physical world.

We Need to be Better Vehicles

We always within ourselves can be a better vehicle for the white lodge. We can do this by creating more space inside of ourselves for the Being and the white lodge to occupy and work in us.

The more awakened we are, that is the more that we have the ego isolated from our essence or consciousness the more we space that we have inside of ourselves for the white lodge to work and therefore be a vehicle of the white lodge.


Self-remembering and staying awake is the best way to be the best vehicle we can be for the white lodge in any given moment. It is also very good to remember the white lodge from time to time and that we are depositories of force from the White Lodge.

End (867).

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