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Wednesday 4 May 2016

Four Kayas - (883)


The four kayas are four bodies that are far superior to the solar bodies, which are the astral, mental and causal.

The four kayas are called: dharmakaya, sambhogakaya, nirmanakaya, and svabhavikakaya.Master Samael describes each of these four bodies. I will perhaps in a future post, present a transcription of Master Samael’s descriptions.

What are they For?

They are needed for the development of the psychological galaxy and the psychological infinite. That is becoming a galactic or infinite man.

When one is a galactic man then one has the ray of consciousness of the galaxy, which means one’s consciousness becomes the same in quality as the consciousness of the galaxy.

Bodies and the Laws

When one has made all the superior bodies, excluding the four kayas one has, incarnated the law of 7.
When one is in the third mountain one incarnates Kether, Chockmah and Binah then one incarnates the law of 3. Such a person is one who is above good and evil. Such a person knows how to manage the forces from above and from below.

Supplementary Details

An immortal one is the one who has the four Kayas.

Master Samael said that with the body of the Nirvanakaya one can enter the temple of the Cosmic Mother.

Master Samael also said that Nicholas Flamel and his wife were building these bodies in the Alchemy back in the 1970’s.

End (883).

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