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Wednesday 4 May 2016

States and Degrees of Consciousness - (884)


There are four states of consciousness, this we well know. Yet there are six degrees of objective consciousness, which is something quite new.

Many Middle States

There are really also many states of consciousness within those four states of consciousness.

There are also states of sleeping consciousness, and states of consciousness that are semi asleep, semi awakened. Then there are states that are closer to being awakened and then there are states of being awakened and then on top of that there are degrees of awakening.

Six Degrees of Objective Consciousness

The six degrees of objective consciousness are only known when one finishes the great work, Master Samael says.

These degrees of consciousness Master Samael says appear as tridents on the horns of one’s inner Lucifer.

The highest degree, the sixth degree of objective consciousness is called Anklad.

The highest degree - the sixth degree is only three degrees less than the consciousness of the Absolute.

End (884).

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