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Tuesday 3 May 2016

Fourth Post: Principles of the Psychological Moon - (881)


Below in list form are some of the principles of the psychological moon. By that I mean some of the ways that the psychological moon works in us or some of the principles that the psychological moon operates by.


The psychology of the periphery, that is the psychological structure where the essence is at the centre and the egos are sent away to the periphery and not allowed to occupy the central command post of our psychology. This implies constant vigilance of our psychology.


The firm understanding that we will be alright without the ego. We are happy, fine, better off and don’t need the ego.


Always think to activate focus on, use and decide by and for the consciousness.


Know your own business and stay in it. That is primarily don’t try to go into another’s psychology wondering what they are thinking and why they are thinking this or that. Trying to make them love or not love or think this or that about us.


Know what is your job and do it. That is know that it is your job to make yourself happy, to make yourself feel well, to feed yourself, look after yourself and to keep that relationship with yourself going well, very well.


Know that all that we lack comes from the inside and can be compensated from inside. We don’t need to get things from outside to compensate that which can only be filled from the inside. This makes us independent from the outside and so we can determine our state of consciousness at will, and not depend on others being happy with us so that we can be happy with ourselves.


Die by using the psychology of the periphery. Die psychologically by starving the ego, that is by keeping the ego at the periphery of our psychology always.


Know that what we are in a given moment is the consciousness and a state of consciousness.


One is always well, more or less always well. With the essence at the centre and being the essence we are always fine, even if a huge ego is bothering us. When besieged by the ego we take refuge in that ball of essence where there is some refuge from the woes of the ego bothering us.


Know our real identity. That of the consciousness and make that your identity. Don’t assume the identity of the personality or any ego.


The capacity to contrast and decide by virtue of the result of the contrast. Contrast is to bring two different values or possibilities together, and the result of bringing these two different things together produces light or understanding and this result of the contrast.


There is separation from everything including our own thoughts and emotions.


Always stay connected to reality, the psychological moon adheres to reality and seeks reality in every situation. The “should” then is dissolved and the real is seen and accepted, that is the “should be”, “should have” etc. which is of our mind not being connected to reality is forgotten or dissolved.


The permanent centre of gravity on the consciousness has a truer perspective on everything. Love for example. Not being awakened we would not understand someone who is awakened talking about love. They may say there is only self-love, that what a person loves about another is only ever a projection and because an awakened person only projects clearly him or herself and the awakened person has love inside the awakened person loves the other which is the awakened person’s projection. We can only give what we have so if we don't have self-love we can't give love to others.


It is our job to be happy, it is not our job to get others to love us, is it is there business to love us and it is our job to love them or not. The psychological moon does not work getting others to love us so that so that we can then love them back.


We are always and only within ourselves and we only even in all our experiences only experience ourselves. Whatever another does to us, it is only the thoughts, emotions and our sensations that we don’t like, it is not really what they have done but what it produces in us.


Sacred individuality. The psychological moon is the beginning of sacred individuality. It is where we act from the inside out and not from the outside in. This means that we keep to our principles and are not swayed from what happens outside of us.


There are so many more principles, but as I think you can gleam here the principles of the psychological moon are the opposite of the principles of the state of our psychology when we do not have the essence at the centre of our psychology permanently.

End (881).

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