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Tuesday 3 May 2016

Our Role in Life – Octaves of Service - (880)


I think that everyone’s life at a given stage has a purpose or at least a main activity. The best thing I think is to find out what it is and become aware of it.

I say this for the main reason that by being aware of it we can do it better, and when we do something well and we learn the lessons and acquire values that we need, we can move onto the next thing purpose or activity in our life.

Interesting – Goes Unnoticed

The very interesting thing is that this purpose or main activity can go unnoticed. We may even protest about it secretly or openly.

The interesting thing though is that we can’t escape from it and even if we don’t realise that it is our purpose or main activity for now, it is always right there in front of us and we are even living it out.


We can discover that our truer role or purpose in life is at the moment is to serve the people around us. We all live in various environments and each environment has people in it, and our role in each environment may be to serve and to help each person in it.

This is quite a beautiful thing actually, I would prefer the role of serving over the role of commanding, but commanding may become a purpose or a role, only so as to learn different skills and lessons and acquire new values that can not be acquired through serving.

Produce a Higher Octave

As soon as we realise our main activity or purpose at a given stage of our life, we can then and only really then produce a higher octave within that purpose or activity.

The best is to give this higher octave so to pass onto the next purpose or activity. One day though we will reencounter the same purpose or activity but at a higher octave. Though if we do not give the octave now we will not move to the next purpose or activity and not reencounter the old one at a higher octave.

End (880).

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