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Thursday 26 May 2016

How Many Alchemy Partners in a Life can a Person Have? - (925)


To give an answer to this question straight off the bat without any introduction I would say that I honestly havn’t heard of there being a definite number.

Some People Say Three

Some people say three is the limit, though I have not read that in any of Master Samael’s books. This number could have come from perhaps Master Samael or Master Rabalu that was transmitted to a group of students in an informal meeting perhaps.

The Law

It is really a matter of the Divine Law, if a person has more than three it could be that the Law allows it because the previous ones became very ill or died or just by their own accord did not want to practice Alchemy anymore.

The Divine Law always takes a large part in assigning us with a wife or husband. A wife-husband relationship is a major thing in a person’s life and so the Divine Law must be involved so as to process our karmic debts and dharma and of course spiritual progress.


There are some cases where initiates are now or were with their, at least third wife. Perhaps the fourth I am not too sure on that but at least third.

What is for Sure!

You can only have one Alchemical partner at a time! This is in accordance with the Alchemical precepts.

Wait a Year

If one for the right reasons such as death or blatant refusal to transmute has to divorce or separate from their Alchemical partner it is recommended that one should wait a year for the all the accumulated atoms from the ex-partner to dissipate from your system especially the spinal column.

This is because if a new partner is introduced so quickly the atoms from the new partner can produce a short circuit in the sushumna canal through which the kundalini rises. Such a short circuit will definitely affect the movement of the kundalini up the spinal column.

End (925).

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