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Wednesday 25 May 2016

Can Someone who has a Partner Outside of Gnosis Awaken the Kundalini? - (924)


To give an answer straight up – I would say that it is too hard to say.

Why Too Hard to Say?

Because there are points for and points against and there are very few cases to go by. The majority of cases of people who have awakened the kundalini are those where both parties are active in Gnosis or rather actively engaged in the work on themselves.

Points For

If a person who is in Gnosis works in the Alchemy well on his or her part and is sincere in the work and is doing his or her best and is accumulating merits then something has to move then in their favour, doesn’t it?

You would think that it would happen one day that such a person awakens their kundalini. The Law always assesses each soul on its own merits, so why not if such a soul has the merits for it.

Points Against

Such a couple where one is transmuting and one is not, is not really an Alchemical couple. One would think that an Alchemical couple is needed for the results of the Alchemy to bloom, with one of the fruits being the awakening of the sacred fire - kundalini.

There are very few cases to go by and use as a reference and if there are, they need to be verified because it is unusual that such a person who is not a missionary and has a partner who is not working on him or herself awakens the kundalini. It could well be possible but you just don’t see that around very often. Maybe they are around and just keep silent because they themselves think that it is not possible and they do not want to expose themselves to ridicule.


So too hard to say really! You agree or disagree?

But what one should not do is take away hope. That is not good that is for sure!

End (924).

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