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Wednesday 25 May 2016

Interested in Someone Outside of Gnosis? Some Recovery Advice - (923)


This post is about presenting some psychological reflections that may be helpful when facing this situation, in particular when the person is divided and confused.

You’ve Felt Like this Before

I’m sure that this is not the first time that you have felt torn like this before or felt that you really like a person but it can’t be, and you don’t really want to have to face or accept that.

You have felt this before and guess what you are here again. This means that you will be here again in the future with someone else or maybe better you will be with someone else that is the right one for your work and you.

There are as they say many fish in the sea, and by law, for every person there exists a compliment so your compliment exists somewhere, it is just a matter of your paths crossing. This, of course, as everything in the physical world implies time and karma (merits etc.)

When your paths do cross you will feel that this person is the one and the person that you feel is the one now will be forgotten altogether, just like the previous one before this was.

The Law Deems it to be

Master Samael says that the Law is the one that gives us our compliment and so it will work when the law deems it to work. This person right now may not work because the law deems that it is not to be for you. To go against the law is not a good idea, especially if you can not offer them a better deal of being able to pay back your debts quicker and with a person who does not like the Gnostic work you are not going to be able to pay off your debts quicker, that is for sure.

This may seem a bit harsh but if something is taken from you it means that you don’t or didn’t need it. True or not true?

Work and Wait

Is a remedy, working hard in death and awakening is the best solution to bring the right compliment.

By nature all creatures are attracted to that which pleasantly appeals and not the opposite. With psychological death we become appealing in many senses and with awakening we come to see what is right and wrong for us.

You Feel you Really Love the Person…

You may well love the person, but they will find their compliment that is right for them and is that which the law deems to be for them. Being with you while you are in the work may not be the best thing for them, if you love them you will be happy for them to be happy.

You don’t have to kill your love, you can’t anyway but transform it you can or your Divine Mother can. Transformed into a deeper love and yearning for the Being inside.

Time will Heal

It feels sad and nostalgic and lonely. As each day passes you will feel better. As the reality of life moving forward in its natural flow comes more apparent you will see that you have your life and it is flowing no matter what. You will day by day jump more and more into that flow. And so the other person will do the same. When you are fully in that flow you are healed.

Everything is waiting for you, your Being and your work is there needing to be reached and done. Others need you and your help. Is one person more important than all of us and your Being? Or rather are your feelings of sadness, nostalgia and loneliness more important than your reality (your Being), your life, others when those feelings are temporary and can be modified or dissolved?

We are All One

We are all one. Even if you are not with the person you are still united on a deeper more esoteric level, at the level of Being. You will see the person again at another time in the future. Maybe you will see the person again in the very remote future, or near future but on another octave, perhaps in a different life who knows. But you will meet again. Are there any goodbyes really when we are ultimately all one?

Motivation to Work in Remembering Past Lives

Such a happening or event in our life is a great pointer to work in trying to remember our past lives. The feeling that you have is due to the past. The answer to where and why that person has come into your life is in what you feel. You have to focus on that feeling and extract from it the actual meaning of that feeling or know exactly what that feeling is. When you know that you have received or found a big clue to what was in the past. You now need to go to remember the past. Ask your Divine Mother for help and perhaps in meditation or in dreams or in a past life practice you can catch a memory of you and that person. This will give you an enormous amount of light. Knowing is really clarity, power, direction and the end of confusion, wondering, frustration and hoping and the start of accepting reality.

End (923).

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