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Thursday 19 May 2016

Mantra IO - (916)


The mantra IO is one of the many sounds of the Divine Mother. It as you will find out when reading the excerpts below that it is very related to the number 10 which is intimately related to creation and the 10 Sephiroths.

Here below is what Master Samael says about it.

Excerpt – Samael Aun Weor Tarot ad Kabballah Arcanum 10

“The circle with a point in the centre is related with the mysteries of the Lingam/Yoni. The circle is the Absolute, the eternal feminine principle. It is the Yoni where all the Universes are born. The point is the Lingam, the eternal masculine principle. The circle with a point in the centre is the macrocosmos. These are the mysteries of the Lingam/Yoni with which Universes can be created.

The circle is receptive, the point is projective. If the point is projected, it is lengthened and it becomes a line.  It divides the circle into two.  When the point is in movement, then we have the Lingam/Yoni, the two sexes, masculine and feminine.

By taking the line out of the circle, we have the number ten, and the mantra of the Divine Mother.  The entire universe is a product of the sexual energy. Without the power of the creative energy, the universe could not be formed. Without the sexual creative energy there is no Universe. That is why the number ten is the formed principle of all of nature.

The point within the circle, that in movement makes itself into a line, can be found in the following ways.

We have seen that the number ten comes from that symbol, as well as the IO, which is the mantra of the Divine Mother, that also gives place to the ten emanations of Prakriti, meaning the ten Sephiroth of the Qabbalah.”


We can use this mantra to help ourselves to vibrate and come in tune with the qualities, principles of the Divine Mother and of course if we vibrate with the qualities and principles of the Divine Mother we come into tune with and invoke the Cosmic Divine Mother and our own particular Divine Mother herself.

One point to do with making mantras really work is that we have in our consciousness the principles of what we are trying to vibrate with. We need to focus on those principles and embrace them inside of ourselves and try to identify with them and be them with our concentration. Because the mantra is only a physical sound and the internal magic of the mantra is made possible when we focus and integrate with what we are trying to invoke.

End (916).

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