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Sunday 22 May 2016

What does Comprehension Really Mean? - (917)


The comprehension of the ego is our work, and it is actually much more than just knowing and understanding, though knowing and understanding are crucial essential elements of comprehension.

The part that we often don’t see that is a part of comprehension is the work of making the ego’ s function redundant. Adding the latter step to knowing and understanding we have comprehension in its complete sense.

Ego’s Function is Redundant

What comprehension of an ego really means is that we have come to replace that ego's function with the part of the essence that is responsible for exercising that function. This means that a part of the essence handles that function our of psychology and in any circumstance where that function needs to be exercised it is that part off the essence that carries out that function.

This really makes the ego totally redundant. This is what the comprehension of the ego is really in the complete sense.

Comprehension in its most Complete Sense

In the most complete sense if one knows the deep meaning of the ego and adds this to the what has been mentioned above regarding the comprehension of the ego then this is the comprehension of the ego in its most complete sense.

End (917).

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