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Thursday 12 May 2016

Tests Seem Real but just Hold on... - (904)


Remember a test is a test, it looks like it is real and it certainly looks like something is going to happen but really nothing happens. Or if something does happen it is quickly rectified.

The Trick

The trick with a test is that it has to look real so that our natural and unplanned thinking, feeling and acting comes out and can be seen before ourselves, our Being and the Masters who are testing us.

A test is to basically there to reveal to us and others our truth. If there is no test we can’t really objectively know the true level or state of our work. Tests are used to know ourselves and to evaluate ourselves.

Sometimes not a Test

Sometimes we just don’t know if we are in a test or not. The surest way to know is if there is not fault on our part or either we have been doing things in the past to bring this new set of circumstances on. If the latter is the case, then we are not in a test but in a karma where cause and effect is at play.

End (904).

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