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Thursday 12 May 2016

There Exist Two Relationships Not Just One - (905)


When we have a friend, a wife, a husband or in other words a relationship with someone there is really two relationships, not just one.

First Relationship

One relationship is the one that we all know about and is the physical, psychological and esoteric relationship with the person.

Second Inner Secret Relationship

Then there is also another relationship which is not entirely visible to others and it is the way that we relate inside of ourselves to that first type of relationship with that other person.

It is not entirely visible because it only exists inside each person but sometimes through attitudes, words and actions other people can get a glimpse of the state of this inner relationship.

The way we relate to this first type of relationship inside of ourselves determines how the relationship with the other person will be like to a large degree.

Inner Relationship is Very Determinant

If the quality of the way we relate to that relationship inside of ourselves is bad we will be jealous and suffer with self-importance. When we relate well to the inner representation of that relationship, we relate basically well with a good attitude towards the other person and the relationship, with the other person. If we like that relationship inside of ourselves there will be no problem but if we do not like that relationship inside of ourselves we will suffer a lot, doubting, being sceptical, feeling insecure, afraid, anxious, distrusting etc. etc.

End (905).

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