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Tuesday 17 May 2016

Using the Right Centre in the Events of Life - (913)


Our life unfolds as a function of the centres of our human machine. When we participate in any event of life our centres are at work, we in fact use our centres to participate in every event.

Each Event in Life is Different – Particular Nature and Purpose

Because each event of life is different, that is every event of life has a particular nature and purpose, we have to use our centres in a particular way if we want to relate well with the event.

Relating Well to an Event

To relate well an event means basically to use our centres in way that is in line with the nature and purpose of the event.

Each event according to its particular nature and purpose tends to gravitate to one centre more than others. For example, a wedding is something of the emotional centre, cleaning is more of the motor centre and reading or studying is more of the intellectual centre.


Relating well with an event or using the right centre in an event is highly beneficial, because it allows you to integrate with the event and gain a harmony with the event and that itself brings peace, balance and satisfaction to ourselves and others around us.

A Way to Relate to the Events of Life with the Right Centre

Direct Way

If we have a good command over our psychology and the centre of our human machine we can reflect briefly about the event and determine what centre is best used and then focus on that centre positively and act and manifest from the centre.

This is quite hard to do most of the time especially when we have egos in our human machine which are using other centres much more intensely than the right centre for the event.

Indirect Way – Easier and the Way we Start with

This way is to see the ego (usually pride) that is protesting or upset with the event and then work on it, trying hard to displace it. If we do great but if we don’t press ahead with this anyway. Try and integrate with the event, get into the event without getting identified or overly identified, talk to people, help out, pay attention etc.

Usually when we have pride in our human machine and we think the event is silly, useless, wrong or a waste of time our intellectual centre is more active. If the event is emotional then we have to try to participate more and integrate more with the event feeling happy for the event to be taking part. Doing this helps to annul pride and displace the negative intellectual centre which is the wrong centre and wrong function of that centre for the event.

If it is an intellectual event then we have to do the same but not allowing the emotional centre to become dominant we have to keep the intellectual centre there in control and the positive integrating emotion in the background.


Cultivating this skill is very beneficial and helps us in the awakening and in unity. This is because to be awakened is to see the real nature and purpose of the events of life and to come into alignment with that and not be working against it which harms us and the people taking part in the event.

End (913).

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