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Tuesday 17 May 2016

Connecting with the Element of Fire - (912)


Now that winter is setting in, lighting fires for warmth can be quite common place, and that means if we are close by we have a great opportunity to concentrate on the flames and connect with the element of fire. With the aim to penetrate into and learn more abut the mysteries of that essential element – fire!

Main Goal

The main goal of doing such a practice is to put the consciousness to work in the hope that it will allow us to learn something about fire and its principles and at the same time be healed and cleaned by it. Another goal is that with our consciousness active we may be able to discover this same element inside of our own body and psychology.

Esoteric Preparation

Before doing the practice one can invoke the some of the Great Divinities of the Flames such as Agni or Huehueteotl and ask that they allow the salamander of the fire to teach us about their nature, principles and psychology.

Asking our inner Being to help make our consciousness more focused and active is also very good. Because if our consciousness is distracted and dull we won’t perceive a thing!

A Little Background Inspiration

Here is just a little background information for you to read before you try the practice. This is an excerpt from some of William Mistele’s works.

“One way to work with the element of fire is to review fire in all the ways it exists in nature, in society, and within ourselves. Life was able to appear on our planet because of the heat and light of the sun.  But it took billions of years for this to occur and the earth had to have a stable orbit and the right distance from the sun.

There are many forms of fire which exist in nature. The volcano and forest fire are impersonal forces and extremely dangerous to life. And yet the fire in the earth moves continents, uplifts mountains, creates islands, and provides a variety of ecological habitats. As civilization has developed, we have learned to use the wood, coal, coke, oil, and gas fires turning their heat to productive ends. Consider the history of technology and both the positive and negative purposes to which fire has been dedicated. Fire itself, like a knife, can be used for healthy or for destructive ends.

Consider also the importance of warmth and heat to the human body. For the past thirty thousand years, we have managed to survive ice ages, winters, and freezing environments. We have developed clothing, insulation, and various heating systems to keep us warm. We have used fire to cook and produce many new kinds of food.”

Connecting to Fire

Here is some more information about connecting to fire from the same author as above.

“We practice seeing and feeling fire. We evoke the sensation of intense heat within ourselves. The basic procedure is to imagine that our bodies are hollow inside and so able to accumulate any energy we wish. When we are done, we imagine that the energy dissolves again into the universe. Let us talk about the difficulties with this concentration exercise.

Some individuals will be hesitant to work directly with fire. This may be because fire is dangerous. It can burn you. It may also be that they are uneasy with the idea of developing their will and power. They may feel it is hard enough keeping one's desires and impulses in check. If you develop your power, you immediately run the risk of abusing that power. Passions out of control may end up controlling you and causing all sorts of harm to yourself and others. These concerns are very important and individuals should listen to their own consciences on these matters.

You will recall from Greek mythology that Zeus chained the titan Prometheus to a mountain crag and had hawks tear out his liver.

Zeus was mad at Prometheus for giving fire to the human race.

Each day the titan's liver would regenerate only to be torn out again.

The liver can be seen as representing natural growth and spiritual consciousness. In bestowing the gift of fire to humanity, Prometheus was giving power without the spiritual ability to know how to use it wisely.

The point is that if you imagine your body filled with fiery flames and heat you encounter a racial memory of all that fire means.

When you are evoking fire within yourself through the force of your imagination, you need to make peace with both its productive and its destructive aspects. You have to be comfortable with your ability to use its power in natural ways which fulfil spiritual purposes.

On the other hand, try as they may some individuals will find it hard to form a sensation of heat through concentration. They may visualize a fire in front of them. They can just as easily see a fire inside of their bodies. But nothing happens. There is no sensation of heat which accompanies this imagery.”


When you are next before a open fire, take a seat and try a practice like this one, invoke Agni and your Real Being asking for help and protection and then meditate on the fire in front of you. Imagingn you are full of flames from the inside out and you are dissolving into the flames and your become one with them. You can then experience an tiny feeling of the rapture the salamanders have being their element of fire.

It is also very good to ask something while you are in such a concentrated state. If you do this practice well at the very least you will feel different psychologically speaking. Like calmer, clearer and slightly or more renewed that before.

End (912).

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