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Friday 13 May 2016

The Work is Always Open but the Path No! - (908)


The work on oneself which is basically the psychological work is always open. Anyone and everyone can do it. However the path, that is the work on the path is very different. It is not as open and the conditions to walk along the path are narrower.

Obviously if one is doing very well in the work one also does well on the path. However, one can be very negligent in the work and for that not make progress on the path.

Schools of the Work but not of the Path

There are schools that are all about the work and there are people in those schools that have a good degree of awakened consciousness but their progress on the path may not be as ‘en par’ as their degree of work.

Ultimately those people get stuck because the path is needed to awaken totally and eliminate all of the ego.

Gnosis a School of the Path

Gnosis is really a school of the path which uses the work but goes beyond the work to embrace the esoteric principles, laws and ethics of the path.

End (908).

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