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Sunday 15 May 2016

Our Bad Example Discredits Gnosis - (909)


Gnosis the knowledge itself, does not discredit itself or harm or disappoint or disillusion others. That is all done by human beings.

If you ever feel disappointed with Gnosis, check carefully you will see that it is not the knowledge that is disappointing you but perhaps it is yourself and or others, but not the knowledge or the doctrine itself.

What really damages Gnosis more than anything else is the Gnostic people behaving badly and on the other hand what really promotes Gnosis are the many sincere people applying the Gnostic knowledge and keys in their life and making changes in their life for the betterment of themselves and others.

Our Change Embellishes and Makes Gnosis Shine

Changing for the better makes others interested in Gnosis. Really our work and our transformation is the best flyer for Gnosis.

When we Don’t change people who know us tend not to be very interested in Gnosis and are not motivated to inquire about Gnosis and they basically tend not to have faith in Gnosis because they don’t see it as real, that is a real dynamic force that works and changes people for eh better. Our lack of change makes others outside of Gnosis sand in Gnosis to not have faith in Gnosis and see it only as another religion type of thing.

A Very Difficult Point

One very difficult point always in this, is the perception of selfishness and superiority that humanity may see in the Gnostic person. As the Gnostic person works the Gnostic naturally becomes less and less interested in the things of life and many of the social engagements that go with it and so the Gnostic person can become quite isolated and unwilling to get involved with others. This may come across as an air of superiority or selfishness. Also the more a Gnostic likes the work the more he or she will want to attend the classes and this intense desire to attend classes and not miss any can offend others who are not working on themselves and be seen as very selfish and uncompromising etc.

This is a difficult line to walk and in many occasions giving up a class for social engagements turns out to have been a waste and sometimes getting involved with others who are not working can be a waste of time as well. So the most important thing always is to choose when we are going to help others if we can choose that is, and always always behave as the work would suggest, that is impeccably sometimes that is the best way of helping.

End (909).

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