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Thursday 9 June 2016

A Temple - (951)

The Word Temple

The word temple is derived from the Latin word for time, which is tempus.

Why Time

It is very interesting that time has been woven into the word temple.

We all know that a temple is a certain place, even a physical building and it seems that every religion or spiritual/esoteric order has one.

When we are inside a temple one thing that we are invited to abandon is time. That is the time that we use to carry out of all of our earthly duties and deeds.

When we are in a temple time stands still, we are invited to go outside of the past, that is the things that we have done and outside of the future, that is the things that we still have to do.

I say invited because we can enter a temple, any temple in a mechanical way and just stay there day dreaming until it is time to leave.

It is a place where we abandon time to find time for ourselves. We are invited to forget about the mistakes we have made and the duties, commitments and difficulties that we are yet to face in the future, and find time to be with ourselves and what is beyond ourselves.

A temple is a place to take refuge away from the effects of time and enter into our internal space where we find no time.

A temple if we co-operate with it draws us, pulls us inward to find ourselves and then to look for the mystical and spiritual part of ourselves.

When we first withdraw we find our psychological part which we are mostly not very aware in the full flight of our day, yet in the temple we find it and we must cross over the bridge of our psychology to our mystical domain, the domain where the voice of silence waits to be heard.

A temple here in the physical or internal worlds invites us and wishes to take us to our internal temple, where dwells our Being.

Inner Temple

Any temple for us can be a representation of our inner temple or heart temple. When we enter a physical temple or even one in the internal world in astral experiences, it can be the same as us entering our heart temple, and why not.

This means that entering a temple means to enter our heart temple where we can take refuge from time, withdraw from life and its duties and take the journey over the bridge of our psychology to contemplate our inner Being as radiant, as formless, as divine, as a vast mystery and as the origin and source of life and essence or soul and many more things.

End (951).

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