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Thursday 9 June 2016

Lonely? - (950)

What do Lonely People do?

They work at their jobs a lot and work maybe even a second job, they have many hobbies, they read late at night, they watch heaps of TV and movies, they keep themselves busy downloading useless things that they don’t need, they get engaged in useless issues, they get a dog or a cat, they walk a lot by themselves, they seek people and social engagements, they like to talk a lot, they detain people from being on their way, they feel sad at night and in the mornings and so on and so on. All of this to escape that gaping feeling of loneliness or that feeling of inner solitude or that feeling of inner desolation.

Expecting Something Interesting to Happen

One interesting thing about what lonely people experience, is a feeling of waiting, waiting for something interesting to happen. Maybe there is something coming to their life or maybe it is telling them that they have to make something happen! Forge it blaze the trail become the author of their own destiny make happen what they have always wanted to happen!

A Gift

That void of loneliness that is felt and it can even be felt when you are surrounded by people that love and respect you is a gift because it brings you to yourself quite abruptly and intensely. We have no other recourse then to be with our Being inside of us.

One very wonderful and comforting thing is to be with or to do our best to try to connect with Our Mother, that is the Mother of all of us the Cosmic Mother, the bosom of creation, the womb that held all of us before creation burst forth.

Mantra IO

Meditate on our Cosmic Mother, the primordial power at the dawn of creation and is still now participating in all of creation and holds together with her son the Cosmic Christ the link between all the worlds, systems, planets and beings.

Meditate on that great fabric of unity and chant the mantra IO a very primordial mantra or sound of creation to connect with that great force and energy that links us all.

The mantra AUM is very good also. So is OM MANI PAME HUM as it is for the Cosmic Christ and chanting this mantra and sending help to all the Being in creation is wonderful too, it like connects you to creation and the other beings we share this world with.

End (950).

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