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Friday 3 June 2016

Lessons from the Silent Flute or Circle of Iron In Relation to Lust - (940)

Silent Flute or Circle of Iron?

The movie starring David Caroldine and originally written by Bruce Lee is really worth watching and is full of lessons. This post is about one lesson to do with lust.

The Scene

Cord the seeker faces his next trial “the rose in the dessert”. This trial has all to do with lust. Cord finds himself in front of a very beautiful, accommodating yet tempting Tara who is married to Shamsa. Cord has been travelling alone for many months or years and is tired and has endured many hardships along the way and Tara’s offer of companionship, affection, pleasure and comfort are too much for him to resist, so he succumbs to her offer.

The Lessons

Lesson 1

After cord has spent the night with Tara he awakens the next morning in a desert on the bare sand and all the people, tents, animals, festivities etc. are gone, nowhere to be seen.
This is a very important symbol because it tells us that what awaits one when one gives into their lust forgetting themselves is an inner emptiness, abandonment and loneliness.

He even finds Tara crucified which causes him tremendous pain once again teaching us that after lust there is pain!

Lesson 2

Cord later finds his guide on the top of mountain and in this scene shown below cord tells his master that he learnt that he can not possess anything even what he loves. His master replies “every moment changes you, how can you possess something or someone else when you can’t even possess yourself”.

This is important because lust is about possessing, and of course we can never possess what was never ours in the first place (others belong to their Beings) and what's more we can never possess what leaves us all the time (people have to leave us, they can never be with us all the time). We can not possess another, all that we can try to possess is to be possessed by our Being. We can not possess another, only they can be possessed by their very own Being and this is what hurts lust tremendously and that is why lust turns to become so very controlling, all the time trying desperately to grasp and hold onto what it likes but it can never do it, old age, death, circumstances of life and many other things will always take it from you.

End (940).


  1. Im reading this March 12 2020 because of a huge scandal thats broken in Sydney the very first week of the opening of our footy season the number one sport here in our autumn winter when two footballers from the first team playing tonight in seasons opener took it was revealed two schoolgirls not under age tho to there teams hotel room after a goodwill visit by the team to the school its an unwelcome event that highlights the above truth about lust and I will be twitting this when I work out how to get it there

  2. No worries please do. A good lesson to learn for sure for always everywhere.

  3. Yes Im a triple yogi tantric master and this lesson was as Zen Flesh Zen Bones Catching Bull at 4 illustrates is the primary human test at the moment love your site keep up ur divine work. Look could you add a Twitter retweet to your page plz

  4. I'll do that for you today or tonight. Thanks for your comments. Much appreciated.
