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Sunday 5 June 2016

Some Notes on Wisdom - (941)

About Wisdom

Wisdom is a remedy.

Wisdom is what gives us a balm to our painful heart. It is also what soothes the soul.

It is what brings us solace.

It is what gives us the solution.

It is what calms us.

It is what changes things within us and it is what transforms our life.

There is the tree of wisdom which releases an atom of wisdom at a time for us to absorb into our system, it has to be this way - gradual.

It is light or consciousness or part of consciousness is wisdom.

It is the self-revelation of the teachings, it is truth or knowledge or teachings revealed by the consciousness to itself. It is self-revelation. It is truth apprehended by the consciousness.

Wisdom is different to knowledge, where knowledge mainly dwells in the mind wisdom is what becomes a part of you, that is, it is what integrates into your own Being. We usually say he or she is a wise person indicating that they are that instead of saying he or she has wisdom.

From darkness comes light and the wisdom. But darkness transformed or worked upon.

It is experience plus the knowledge and understanding of what gave the solution, it is the down and the up and if it is lacking the up or the down it is not wisdom. Wisdom is knowledge of the hole and how one came out of the hole, it is a complete cycle.

Wisdom needs to be combined with Mars or force or action. In combination with Mars it is formidable, the combination of Mercury and Mars is really powerful.

The awakened people are wise. It is what got them there and it is what maintains then there walking on the razor’s edge. It is what we use to stay on the razor’s edge.

It is what comes from when we contrast or when we find the third option which is balance. It is the third pole which is the third logos which is balance and the wise solution.

End (941).

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