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Wednesday 13 July 2016

Does Life Lack Meaning for You? - (964)


This post is for those who sometimes wake up and for some reason or another from psychological to physiological to anything else feel empty and feel that life seems to be devoid of meaning.

Deriving Meaning from Outside

Many people live or derive meaning for their day and their life from the many things that are outside of them yet very well related to them such as: looking after their children, fighting for the environment, promoting charitable causes, writing a book, building a business, cleaning the house, working, making money, social engagements, sports, friends etc.

There are out of those things mentioned above, things that are more meaningful than others, it seems though, just as a comment on the side, that endeavours that help others are the most meaningful.

What about if you don’t have any of these things and you suspect that there must be more than that, after all how can it be that we need all these external things to derive meaning for our existence.

Meaning is Inside You

The meaning of your life lives in you and resides in you, it walks around with you, there in your Being you may feel it, pulsing and streaming life force through you, sustaining you in life, allowing you to breathe, making your heart to beat, He is He, He already is, He is present before the Universe and the Gods and can not be wiped away, He is part of the fabric of the Universe now, a part of the Absolute as Master Samael says, He is a part of the Absolute Abstract Space.

He is present and that is meaning, because He is, that is, because He stands in creation there is a meaning for His presence. Otherwise He would not stand in creation. He is not random and He is not a coincidence, so for Him to be here, there has to be meaning. He is the meaning for Him being. He is the meaning itself.

As human beings here on Earth one of the things in relation to the Being that gives us meaning in our life is the following:

Because our Monad is Unrealised our Life has Meaning

Knowing that what dwells within us and animates us has not completed the work of fully realising himself in creation, is what gives our life meaning. Because it is precisely Him that does that through our Life. So if you say your life has no meaning you are saying that He has no meaning, and how can we really say that? You know what, our life is His.

It is the reason to stand up again and fight in life for this aim. And if there are others, that is other human beings that are looking to do the same and are doing the same we can collaborate and help each other.

I Wish People Knew and Felt This

How different the lives of many would be. Depression would be so much less. Only if one could feel that animating alive force in one’s breath, lungs, heart, blood and consciousness and then knowing and feeling that there is hope for this life and with the work that hope receives a direction for our mind to direct our life towards that goal of Being which is to complete His work of realising Himself.

End (964).

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