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Thursday 14 July 2016

Don’t Worry Mother Earth Automatically Protects those Work - (965)


Just to get this theme up and posted as quickly as possible I have grouped together some of the post titles that I promised in an earlier post.

In this post the following two titles will be covered:

1.                   Mother Nature and the Cosmos will Automatically Protect those Who Work
2.                   One who transmutes is worth 100 others

Mother Nature Protects

In that presentation given by that marvellous missionary was an anecdote about what Gurdjief said to his students when they were very worried about onset of World War One and how it was going to affect Russia who was getting involved in the war. To make things worse Gurdjief proposed that they travel to France while the war was in progress.

Seeing his students very worried Gurdjief told them not to worry because they are working on themselves and because of that they are a great asset to the earth and therefore the Cosmos and so automatically they will be protected by the superior laws of nature which includes mother nature herself.

So when we work on ourselves transmuting and dying psychologically we come under the protection of Mother Nature and other cosmic forces.

Worth a 100

To put a number on it, in some very old or ancient even Chinese Alchemical texts it is written that a man who transmutes or is a practitioner of the transmutation is worth one hundred other men who is not transmuting.

How about that 100 other men! This means that a man who falls in his transmutation is a great loss to the Earth and therefore humanity, and imagine this that when such a man falls that fall could even cost the lives of others in the sense that Mother nature loses some of her nourishment and must get it from somewhere else.

End (965).

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