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Friday 15 July 2016

Everyone has the Right to the Initiatic Path - (968)

This is a Huge Truth!

Therefore we can put aside all envy! Everyone, whoever they may be can try and walk the path and the Absolute has made it so and wants it so. I say this not because I know anything about the Absolute but because the teachings say this. We are all children of the Absolute and we are all given as a right a chance to return to Him and we always do, either in a voluntary way or an involuntary way. 

We can't say that this or that person should not enter the path or can not enter the path or should not be on the path. We are really out of our authority there, because we are not the absolute. We can't even say that this or that person is incapable of doing the path, because we are saying that a Monad is not capable of going to back to His Father - the absolute. What do we really know about that Monad? It may be very difficult that they do it in this life but what about the next?

Mind you there are certain conditions to walk the path and this is what not everyone wants to fulfil and that is why at this stage of life on Earth there are so few who know about the path, want the path and are walking the path.

The path is not exclusive by nature it is very demanding. Anyone who can meet the conditions can enter and has the right to try. There is no egoic exclusivity involved. There is no need to feel superior to others because others if they want to do it can do it and it is within their Monad if the Monad so choses. So where really is the egoic sense of superiority or exclusivity?

The Absolute Wants it!

The Absolute is in all of us and when we walk the initiatic path it learns and develops and shines brighter with more consciousness of itself.

Even if we see that there are people very different to us in life and in the esoteric work we are all part of the same Absolute trying to do what the Absolute wants.

Endless Painful Cycle Going Nowhere

We may want something different and we did and we fell, just to learn what lies outside of unity with the Being. And what we found was an individuality lost in pleasure and then pain. We may like this chaos of expressing and arousing our desires outside of the Absolute but it leads no where in the end, that is into an endless painful cycle of the same that after the first turn loses meaning.

End (968).

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