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Thursday 14 July 2016

How Our Inner Work Helps Mother Earth - (967)


In this post I am going to cover the following promised post titles:

1.                   Our Immense Responsibility in Relation to Transmutation
2.                   Quality is more Important that Quantity
3.                   Adding Consciousness Brings Quality
4.                   Transmutation Increases the Earth’s Fohat
5.                   Mystical Death Increases the Earth’s Fohat and Level of Consciousness

Global Responsibility in Relation to Transmutation

We usually think that our transmutation only affects us, but all these posts show that it affects not just us, but the Earth and the whole of humanity.

In fact to transmute is a cosmic duty and once we know this, to not transmute bears down upon us a great responsibility as we were feeding the Earth before, but now we stop or diminish or lower the quality for what good reasons?

Can such reasons be more weighty than that of benefiting the Earth and humanity?

Quality More Important than Quantity

Gurdjief says as does Master Samael that quality is more important than quantity and if we can combine both all the better.

That is very important for us to consider. When we do a practice try to make sure it is of high quality and what gives any practice quality is it not being done mechanically.

Consciousness Bring Quality

The magic ingredient for anything of quality is consciousness, and this implies many factors.

It implies attention, focus, concentration, alignment of all of our brains and bodies, emotion, yearning, heart etc.

Practices are boring or we feel we can not keep doing them because we don’t put our consciousness into them.

Transmutation Makes the Earth’s Fohat to Shine

Specifically when we transmute we actually make the Earth’s spiritual fire or spiritual vitality or strength to shine and invigorate. This is because we feed it directly. The planet’s Fohat is really its spiritual force or fire or life force.

Mystical Death Increase the Earth’s Consciousness

When we die psychologically or mystically we increase our consciousness and therefore the consciousness of the Earth as we are cells of the Earth and the Earth’s consciousness is made up of the consciousness of all of it parts or cells. Also when we does we reduce our abyss or subconscious and we do the same for eh Earth as well. So we really help the Earth out a lot when we die and transmute.


When we practice the three factors we are automatically helping humanity and the Earth and therefore humanity. I think that through these posts we can get a good appreciation of how we really help the Earth and therefore humanity with our work.

I am really thankful to that marvellous missionary for that presentation because it has opened up a new understanding of the value of the three factors or the Gnostic work or the transmutation of the sexual energy and one’s efforts to awaken and die mystically/psychologically.

End (967).

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