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Thursday 28 July 2016

No One Raises Alone! - (998)

A Principle

There is a principle where each one on the path has symbolically speaking his left hand extended in front of him/her and his right hand extended behind him/her.

The hand extended in front is to receive help from those who are ahead of him/her on the path and the hand extended behind him/her is to lend help to those who are behind him/her on the path.

Each of us is like this, we are helped and we help in return. This is how the cosmos work, uniting and linking all of us. This means that our path is linked to others to those who are ahead and those who are behind.

Because there are people are ahead of us we can have a path and because we are ahead of others they can have their path.

The Truth is Spread Out Among All Beings

No one raises themselves alone because the Absolute has spread all of its attributes and truths amongst all human beings, and for that matter amongst all other sentient beings as well. The elementals of nature hold great secrets and truths about the functionings of nature and the cosmos that we don’t know.

That is why we can't raise ourselves on the path alone because other human beings know things we don't. The truth is spread out and it is not all in one human being.

That is why we all need a guru! Because we do not know everything especially what lies ahead of us in the path, but the guru does and the guru knows the remedies for our errors and confusion.

We need to awaken our consciousness so to know the truths that exist. Our consciousness is what reveals the various truths.

End (998).

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