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Thursday 28 July 2016

Regarding the Experiences of Others - (999)

The Truth Spread Out

The experiences of others are like parts of the truth that the Absolute shares with us through other people which comes ultimately to us through their monads and the Monads are all part of the Absolute. The Monads make up the Absolute.

Therefore, the experiences of others is very important and very valid. We can if we are intelligent take them as real and put them to work in our life! After all if someone experiences something that we don’t it does not mean that it is not true just because we didn’t experience it.

Some Care Needed Though

Mind you there is also though the need to be careful with experiences of others at times because they may be projections of the person’s mind and so they are subjective. If they do not sound subjective it is worth listening to them as they could be sharing with us a truth.

End (999).

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