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Wednesday 24 August 2016

Blood in Esotericism – The Last Supper - (1063)


The following excerpts from Maser Samael explain so very clearly how blood is a very magical substance and how it has been used magically in the past for very special purposes.

Excerpts from V.M Samael Aun Weor, “Perfect Matrimony”

In the following excerpt Master Samael brings to our attention the magic power of blood.

The Magic of Blood

There are certain tenebrous rites which survive from the most remote periods of history.

The witches of Thessaly celebrated certain rituals in their cemeteries or tombs to invoke the shadows of the dead. On the anniversary of the death of their loved ones they would meet before the tombs in the cemetery and amidst the most terrifying shrieks, pierced their breasts so that blood would flow. This served as a vehicle for the shadows of the dead to materialize in the physical world. Homer, the great Initiate, recounts in the Odyssey something concerning a ritual celebrated by a witch on the island of Calypso, where the cruel Goddess Circe reigned. The priest cut the throat of a beast within a pit, filling it with blood. The priest invoked the Soothsayer of Thebes. Homer tells that the soothsayer answered the call and was able to totally materialize thanks to the blood. The Soothsayer of Thebes spoke personally with Ulysses and predicted for him many things.

The wise author of Zoroaster said, “Write in blood and you will learn that blood is Spirit.” Goethe exclaimed through Mephistopheles, saying, “This is a very peculiar fluid.”

The Last Supper

In the following excerpt Master Samael also describes how the last supper is really a blood ritual that uses the magical power in blood to link the astral vehicles of those who participate in this ceremony. It also gives the power to materialise the astral body of the master who has lost his/her physical body.

The Last Supper is a magical ceremony of immense power; something very similar to the archaic ceremony of Blood Brotherhood. The tradition of this Brotherhood says that if two or more people mix their blood in a cup and then drink of it, due to the blood they will remain united forever. The astral vehicles of these people will then be intimately associated for all of eternity. The Hebrew people attribute to the blood characteristics of a very special type. The Last Supper was a Ceremony of Blood. Each of the apostles brought drops of their own blood in their cups, and emptied these into the chalice of Jesus Christ. In that Chalice the Adorable had also placed his Royal blood. Thus, in the Holy Grail, the blood of Jesus Christ was mixed with the blood of his disciples. Tradition tells that Jesus also gave to his disciple’s infinitesimal particles of his own flesh to eat.

“And he took bread, and gave thanks, and broke it, and gave unto them, saying, This, is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me.

Likewise, also the cup after supper, saying, “this cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you.”

In this way the pact was signed. Every pact is signed in blood. The astral of the Christ Jesus remained associated, united with his disciples and with the whole of mankind through the pact of blood. The Adorable is the Saviour of the World. This ceremony of blood is as ancient as the Infinite. All the great Avatars have verified it since ancient times. The Great Lord of Atlantis also celebrated the Last Supper with his disciples.

This ceremony of blood was not improvised by the Divine Master. This is a very ancient, archaic ceremony, the blood ceremony of the Great Avatars.

Every Gnostic Unction, whatever the cult or belief, sect or religion is associated, united intimately with the Last Supper of the Adorable by the pact of blood. The Primitive Holy Gnostic Christian Church, to which we have the privilege of belonging, conserves in secret the primitive rituals used by the Apostles. These were the rituals of the Christians who met in the catacombs of Rome during the epoch of the Caesar Nero. These are the rituals of the Essenes, a humble caste of great Initiates among whom was counted Jesus Christ. These are the primitive rituals of the ancient Christians.

These rituals have power. In them is contained all our secret science of the Great Arcanum. When we ritualize, we vocalize certain mantra which has the power to sublimate the sexual energy to the heart. In the Heart-Temple lives the Internal Christ.

When the sexual energies are sublimated to the heart, they then have the great joy of mixing with the forces of the Internal Christ, so that one is able to enter the superior worlds. Our rituals are repeated on all the seven great Cosmic Planes. The ritual ceremony establishes a secret channel from the physical region, passing through all the seven great Planes to the world of the Solar Logos. The Christic atoms of the Solar Logos descend via this channel, and then accumulate in the bread and in the wine. This really is how the bread and wine, through the work of Transubstantiation, become the flesh and blood of Christ. On eating the bread and drinking the wine, the Christic atoms are diffused throughout our whole organism and pass to the internal bodies to awaken in us those powers of a solar nature.

The apostles drank the blood of Christ and ate the flesh of Christ.”


So then magically speaking blood can give life here in the physical world to what is spirit, as in the last supper and the ritual performed for Ulysses mentioned by Homer. Blood used magically can also link the astral bodies of those who participate in the magic ritual.

Also in the last supper it was the real blood of Jesus and the apostles that was mixed and also drank.

End (1063).

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