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Thursday 25 August 2016

Esoteric Significance of Blood –Introductory Notes - (1064)


There is something very special about it. It is not like saliva or some other fluids within the body. It though like saliva serves a particular function but it is very special.

It is certainly an agent of life within us. Without it our body remains lifeless. When we “bleed out” we lose life.

Esoterically speaking it is what absorbs prana and moves prana around our body. Even within blood is prana, the great substance of life and that is why when we ‘bleed out’ we lose life or prana and the ability to bring and move prana around our body.

Function of Blood

Blood actually is fluid life, it absorbs oxygen - the breath of life through our lungs. When it absorbs oxygen it is renewed. It goes from being blue red in colour to pure red.

Blood nourishes the organs and all the parts of the body. It having absorbed oxygen is transformed and is able to give nourishment to the body. It fulfils the function of absorbing materials from the outer world and passing them onto the inner world.

It is like another very special organ itself, that interfaces with the outer world and the inner world, an intermediary. Mind you that is why it is related so intimately with eh astral body, because the astral body is a great intermediary between the soul and matter.

Interesting Things About Blood

We need blood it nourishes us and we also deposit into it certain waste products, so it nourishes and cleans at the same time, which are complimentary processes.

It attacks diseases or infections using the white blood cells, which are like little soldiers.

Blood is formed last in the embryo, indicating to us that blood is of very evolution or derivation within us. The things that form first are closer to the earth and are matter and the things that form last are the things that are closer to the spirit in us.

End (1064).

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