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Tuesday 2 August 2016

If we do by the Gods what is Right by Men we Also do Right by the Gods - (1006)

Sometimes we Don’t Know What to Do

Sometimes when it comes to praying or conversing to the Gods we feel lost. We feel like this because of the various concepts that we have in our mind. We for example, may think that we are nothing to the Gods or that they despise us or that they are not interested in us or that we are just a bother to them or that we are simply too pathetic and stupid to even converse with them or what we have to converse with them about is something silly and something that they are so far beyond.

We have to Start Somewhere

We have to start somewhere in our conversations and prayers to the Gods, Angels and Masters. It never pays in life to be something that we are not and so we have no other recourse than to be ourselves and present ourselves as we are to the Gods.

To Do Right by the Gods - do What Is right by Men

This principle serves as guide to indicate to us what is right by the Gods. The axiom as above so below applies here. If we do what is right by men which includes so many things, and here are only some examples we will be doing right by the Gods. This is because what is right is right everywhere and what is right is in accordance with universal principles that pervade in the realms of men and Gods.

For example, to be honest, to fulfil promises, to be sincere, to give trust, to support, to respect, to be kind, to love, to communicate with the heart, to remember, to consider, to be constant, to give one face, to befriend, to be wise, to be generous, to be diligent, to be courageous, to be just, to be correct, to be balanced etc. and so on.

If we Treat the Gods, this Way we are Fine (we can’t do any more)

So if we treat the Gods this way we will do well. If we treat them in the best and most realistic way that we can, we will do well by them. Because this is in accordance with universal principles that affect the Gods and men and also pleases the Gods and men.


Our problem is that we either do not treat them (we block the idea of praying or conversing with them) or either we just expect too much. We expect their help when we don’t even ask for it. That is to be unrealistic. People rarely help us even when they know we need help, so we have to ask for help, how can we expect that the Gods will help us without us asking for their help first?

End (1006).

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