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Tuesday 2 August 2016

Opening into the Causal Aspect of Ourselves - (1007)


We have the causal body, we have will and there is the causal dimension of nature and there is also our inner causal world.

For us it is much easier to examine and work with our will. By working with our will we are in many ways also working with our causal body and the casual aspect of ourselves.

The Causal world of nature holds as Master Samael says all the causes for the things that happen here in the physical world. Therefore, the things that happen within us have their causes hidden our inner causal world or dimension.

The will that we have comes from our inner causal world and links to the causal world of nature. Our essence actually has will within it. So we can have will with or without a causal body. Having a causal body just means that we have the facility to be able to organise or make our will cohesive.

Stages of the Path

There are certain stages of the path where the causal dimension opens up very widely for our Being and us to work more extensively there. These stages are the fifth initiation of fire, the fifth initiation of light, the third labour of Hercules and the fifth year of Job.

If we have not reached any of these stages of the path we can still work with our causal aspect by working in the dissolution of the ego that we carry within. By working to free the will that we have trapped in the various egos we work in a way, mind you a limited way, but we still work with our causal aspect.

End (1007).

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