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Thursday 11 August 2016

Lake George Retreat Notes – Day 1, Part II - (1036)

Introduction (2nd 6 of 18 Note Sections)

This post covers the note sections 7 to 12 of the total 18, taken during the first day of the Lake George Retreat in June 2016.

Still love that boat!

Do the Right Thing, Get the Right Result (7/18)

Sometimes we do something right esoterically and we got a very wrong answer. This is not karma!

This is not karma because there is in karma, cause and effect and if the cause is not negative there can not be a negative effect. The negative result is due to some other factor.

Kama Conditions Our Will (8/18)


How does this happen that karma conditions and controls our will? It is does it by creating the desire for the impediment. Karma is always a kind of an impediment. Karma manages our trapped will which is really desire. It makes us to desire what we can’t achieve or what will stop us in life or the path or from getting what we want.

This is the karmic programming. The law controls and kidnaps the win of sleeping human beings. It has to do this to fulfil the payment of karmic debts.

The karmic programming takes us in or out of our karma.

The way out is to negotiate, using the past to create or negotiate the future that we want.

The Laws Safe Guards our Capital (9/18)

Don't worry when we work or do a practice of some kind or generate a positive action to help ourselves or another we accrue cosmic capital. This is for sure!

We may not see the benefits and sometimes we may. If we don't see the benefits it is because the capital earnt has been saved or stored in the cosmic capital vaults within the palace of the Divine Law, sitting there waiting for the time when we will need it the most.

Death always pays the most and is the best guarantee of success!

When we Make a Mistake (10/18)

When we make a mistake we actually or rather our essence actually cries out for help. She asks help from the Law to correct the mistake or to balance her inner scale that has become unbalanced due to the mistake.

The Law actually can correct the scale for us but we incur a debt when the Law does this. If our mistake caused others suffering it will cost us the same amount of suffering. If the mistake caused our Being suffering then we will pay it by suffering being far or disconnected from our Being or superior parts.

Epigenesis (11/18)

Fpigenesis is an action where it is generated without any conditioning what so ever. If we generate an action based on the past, culture, memory, tradition, religion, relationships etc. we are not using epigenesis.

49 Regions of the Mind (12/18)

The 49 regions of the mind come from 7 times 7. That is we have 7 bodies and each body has 7 sub regions. These 49 regions are in our mind as representations and they are also in each body.

lf we do not have 7 bodies we then have those sub regions in each body in our subconscious.

End (1036).

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