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Thursday 11 August 2016

Lake George Retreat Notes – Day 1, Part I - (1035)

Introduction (1st 6 of 18 Note Sections)

I thought that the best way to post the notes that I took while attending a marvellous retreat lead by marvellous missionaries, one very marvellous one particular, is to present the notes in a post one for each day of the retreat. This way all the notes are together and not dispersed all over the blog site, which is what I had been doing before and was coincidentally taking too long to post them all.

A note to remember is that these are my notes of the talks given by the missionaries who presented a talk during the retreat.
I really love this boat! It added to the retreat for me, a very nostalgic, almost going back in time flavour.

Internal Word (1/18)

As we know the word has the special property of being able to create, maintain and destroy.
To be able to create, maintain what has been created and later destroy what has been created and is no longer needed is an important power necessary in the running of creation.

Life proceeds in this way, the cycle of life is exactly that. Birth, life and then death. There is creation first, then there is maintenance and development then there is destruction.

We need to be able to have these powers too, just as nature and the cosmos do and the word external and internal along with the sexual energy gives us this power.

Attention and the Hypnotic Process (2/18)

To place our attention on something, is to give life to something.

With attention we can give life to something or take life from something.

When we place attention on something we actually open a flow or a current of life between us and want we put our attention on.

It implies order, decision making, it unites to action and it converges the necessary forces within us to get the required result.

What we do with our attention is very important when it comes to being asleep or being awake!
The first important element in awakening is to be connected a reality. To be dreaming is to be living in illusions and outside of reality. When we do not lose our attention we can have access to the faculty of epigenesist.

Where we place our attention we place everything! We even in fact place our life. If our attention is not in the present reality, we can lose our life even especially in dangerous or situations.

Will (3/18)

There is will in every ago. He who has will can create. Will is needed to create. With will the ego can also create. The will that the ego has comes from the essence inside the ego. Will is inside the essence. So in every one of us there is will that is trapped and will that is free

The ego creates in matter, it creates an empire in matter and what we need to do is to reverse this process and create in the Being.

Stop Creating Karma (4/18)

One major objective is for us to stop creating karma. We actually stop creating karma when we wake up or use our consciousness.

We can use contrast to help ourselves in this task.

When we get identified in a particular situation and we therefore made a mistake we can do a practice seeing what happened inside and outside of ourselves and then use imagination to see what could have happened if we were awakened.

Then with these two scenarios we can produce a contrast. The effect of this contrast can give our consciousness a shock to not make the same mistake again.

Karma Comes from the Subconscious (5/18)

karma and the subconscious are intimately and intrinsically linked. Karma is rarely out in the open. As soon as it is, karma disappears.

The reasons for karma are always unknown, and as soon as the reason for it are known the power or impact of karma are greatly reduced.

Processes of the Dissolution of the Ego (6/18)

The ego goes from being an adult, a teenager to an infant. This is the process of the dissolution of the ego.

An adult is stronger, more structured and more rigid than a teenager and an infant for that matter. A teenager and an infant are much more flexible and adaptable. This is what we have to do with the work on the ego, make the ego a teenager than an infant and then finally dust.

End (1035).

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