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Thursday 11 August 2016

We Have Become Very Unfamiliar with Ourselves - (1034)


That is our problem we are not very familiar with ourselves and this shows in us not liking to be alone. If we were quite happy with ourselves and content and feeling complete with ourselves so many problems with egos would essentially disappear.

Self-Remembering and Meditation

Self-remembering and meditating on the Being is to come to be familiar with ourselves. The more we meditate on our Being the more we can realize the autonomy and completeness of the Being that we have inside of ourselves and ultimately are.
I say this not because I have realised the Being inside of me, I am only starting to see that the Being that everyone has inside of them is like a whole cosmos in miniature and a cosmos is complete and autonomous and so our Being that we have inside of us is exactly that.
End (1034).

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