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Wednesday 24 August 2016

Why Water as an Element is Special - (1058)


As we know water is one of the four elements and really they are all special, without either one we would not have creation and life the way we have it now.

We know that water is akin to life, it is what life comes out of and it is what sustains life. Earth provides the platform for life, fire is the energy of life and air is like the movement of life. All the elements fulfil a role in sustaining life. However, water does something a little extra.

The following excerpts from Gurdjieff and Master Samael tell us what this extra function is and why water is so important to the formation and especially the sustaining of life.

Excerpt – Gurdjieff

Water and the Trogoautoegocratic Law

“The said pearl is formed in one-brained beings which breed in the ‘Saliakooriap’ of your planet Earth, that is to say, in that part of it which is called ‘Hentralispana,’ or, as your favourites might express it, the blood of the planet, which is present in the common presence of every planet and which serves the actualizing of the process of the Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat; and there on your planet this part is called ‘water.’”

Water and the Three Primary Forces

“In this bread the crystallization of cosmic substances is also obtained according to the law of Triamazikamno, the substances from the following three relatively independent sources serving as the three holy forces of this sacred law, namely: the holy affirming or active principle is the totality of those cosmic substances composing what your favourites call ‘water’; the denying or passive principle is the totality of the substances composing what your favourites call the ‘flour’ obtained from the divine wheat grain; and the holy reconciling or neutralizing principle is the substance issuing or obtained as the result of burning, or, as your favourites say, from ‘fire.’

“For a better elucidation of the thought I have expressed concerning the significance of a permanent fusion of diverse-sourced cosmic substances, let us take as an example the said relatively independent totality of substances which in the formation of this prosphora or bread is the active principle, namely, the relatively independent totality which is called by your favourites ‘water.’

“This relatively independent totality of cosmic substances named there on the Earth water, being in itself one might say, a ‘natural mechanical mixture,’ can be preserved exclusively only in conditions of conjunction with common Nature. If the connection of this water with common Nature is cut, that is to say, if a little of this water is taken out of a river and kept separately in a vessel, then after a certain time the water in this vessel inevitably begins to be gradually destroyed, or as it might otherwise be said, to decompose, and this process, to the perceptive organs of beings, usually smells very ‘malodorously,’ or, as your favourites would say, this water soon ’stinks.’”

Excerpt – Master Samael

“What will we say now of the element water? Obviously it is through this element that the eternal common cosmic “Trogoautoegocratic” process is cryatsllized, making possible the reciprocating nourishment of all the creatures. If the Earth were to remain without water, if the seas were to dry up, if the rivers were to disappear, all the creatures that inhabit the face of the Earth would die; with this concrete and definitive fact it is completely demonstrated that water is the agent through which is crystallized the eternal common cosmic “Trogoautoegocratic” law.”


So water receives cosmic forces and transmits them to us all, and water absorbs things from us and transmits them to the cosmos.

Gurdjieff said something interesting that when water is cut from nature and bottled it begins to degrade. He also says that water is an active principle corresponding to the first primary force of nature.

End (1058).

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