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Tuesday 23 August 2016

Wisdom of Sexual Transmutation - (1057)


I found the following passage in a very interesting book. It really shows how wise supra-sexuality is and how lucky we are to have this kind of teaching in Gnosis regarding the sexual energy and sexuality.

This passage really makes one to understand that transmutation, Alchemy or supra-sexuality is really the way. Abstinence and the other extreme are the extremes and no extreme is good or the right way to go about anything.


“In this world everybody feels some problem or other with sex and sexuality, dear friend. It is due to common ignorance, fear, ego, taboos, social customs and lack of love and naturality. Every healthy person feels sex and sexuality–it is perfectly natural. But if for some reason you try to suppress it, it will lead to perversions of various kinds because it is impossible to stop nature. And if, on the other hand, you indulge freely in as much sex as you can get, you will feel too much frustration in your mind because you will be overwhelmed by nature. In this world there are also many people–those who are clergy or monks and nuns or various other kinds of Truth-seekers–who live a so-called celibate life, supposed to abstain from any sexual activity or even to deny sexuality itself. But did you know, dear friend, that celibates all over the world, no matter what religion or church, monastery, ashram, community, brotherhood or fellowship they belong to, feel this problem and that scandals and tragedies of sexual abuse and even rape by celibate persons in positions of trust and authority are happening every day? Even in the holy Himalayas, at the top of the world, as many as nine out of ten monks, sadhus, sannyasins and so forth, have a schizophrenic mind because of this problem–because of suppression and perversion and an entirely inhumane attitude towards the opposite sex. In these times it is really a problem all over the world and there is an urgent need for change in understanding and attitude towards sex and sexuality, together with the provision of practical guidelines.”

End (1057).

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