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Thursday 1 September 2016

A Start – A List of Errors - (1082)


This has been passing in and out of my head for such a long time now, this one idea.

Of course when this happens it always means that it is time to do something about it.


The idea is to become aware of all the mistakes that one has made in this life. This includes all the wrongs we have done to God, ourselves, people, animals, plants and minerals. Obviously, the biggest section will be people.


The purpose of doing this is to become aware of all of our errors so that we can make reparations.

This is to take responsibility for our errors and to pro-actively pay our karmic debts.

We are not free when we still have karmic debts.

This helps with repentance and this also helps in diminishing the fear of the Law or the fear of the force of our own Karma.

Start with People

An idea is to get several sheets of paper and write down a name of a person at the top and then list all the wrongs you have done by that person. It is so beautiful to do this, when one does it one feels straight away an ordering effect, a claiming of responsibility.

This is the easy part though; the hard part is below…

Hard Part

The hard part is working out how to repair it. Sometimes it is easy, it is a matter of confessing and repairing, but sometimes it is about exercising the virtue or value that was not present when we made committed the fault, and sometimes it is about dying in the ego that caused the debt.

Doing all of the above is the surest way.

Some Advice

Keep these sheets of paper together in one piece and to yourself.

When you have repaired all the wrongs take these sheets of paper and offer them up to the Divine Law and then burn them. Letting the Divine Tribunal of the Law know that we have done this work with love, good intentions all so to pay our debts and may it be possible that they - the Divine Law help us or show us somehow or some way how we have actually done.  

End (1082).

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