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Thursday 1 September 2016

Our Relationship with Force - (1081)


As with everything we always all tend to one extreme or the other in our relationship with things. So in our relationship with force, we may find ourselves on one side or the other.

As with every relationship balance is the best and is the way of our consciousness.

My hope with this post is to come closer to the balance in relation to force.

The Two Extremes

One extreme in relation to force is seeing everything as needing force, and that applying force to everything and using force all the time is the way, and the other side is rejecting force, disliking it, never using it, being afraid of it and being very soft and gentle (often as a reaction of having been hurt by force in the past).

The age old principle that “no extreme is good” holds true here. No extreme in relation to force is correct or good. When we go to one extreme we find ourselves in trouble.


Force is needed in life and in the cosmos. Every beautiful thing has force. Love has a tremendous force inside of it! The force within love has made miracles, and simply marvellous things to happen. The force in love is formidable Master Samael says.

In Life

Force is required for life and in every action of life a force is needed. Life is full of force, good health exudes the force of vitality. When we walk into a forest and we see creatures flying, crawling, climbing, squawking, screeching, that is the pure force of life radiating the vitality of the Christic substance in creation, out to anyone who would like to perceive it.

Without force life would fail and force is about expressing the intensity of something’s presence.

In the Being

Obviously with our Being the more intense is His presence or ‘power of Being’ the more force our Being will have.


All the elements have force, the force of fire and water is truly amazing!

There is such force in the ocean, engineers are just now inventing systems to harness that force and convert it into electricity proving that there is energy in the ocean and when there is energy there is force.

In Beauty

Even beauty has its force. When we cry due to perceiving the beauty and innocence of something, that is the force of such a beautiful thing affecting us.

Cosmic Ray

Force is a cosmic ray or in other words a cosmic principle, a cosmic presence, a living cosmic entity that encompasses the whole of the cosmos.


Force combines with so many other rays to help fulfil their function.

Force finds its niche when something must be established, broken down, changed, clarified, an obstacle overcome, the way cleared, justice applied, etc. etc.

Force Overused

Obviously we can do great damage when we over use force. When we allow it to over impregnate our personality we can extend force into areas where it is not really appropriate.

Master Samael as the Genie of Force

Master Samael we know is the genie of Force and he certainly does have force! My goodness me he does! When though you listen carefully to some of his talks you can find in his words such a love. Such a care and tenderness and good will for those who were present to understand his words and take his words with their consciousness so that they can awaken or benefit in some way.

Help of Force

If one has ever felt the immense help of force one will know that it can work inside of one lifting one over one’s worst and heaviest egos. Though sadly, only for a time because that force was borrowed, we need to create and cultivate our own force.

Balance and Conclusion

We need to use it when needed. To not use it brings trouble and to over use it brings destruction. It is needed in life and in our realisation. If we combine it with love we are going to get it right a lot of the time.

At time it is needed and at other times not! To know when to use or not use it, is a matter for our consciousness.

End (1081).

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