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Thursday 29 September 2016

About the Destiny of Essences in these End Times – (1147)


The topic of this post was spoken about in the New Zealand retreat, and it was spoken about I believe to give those listening an answer to this question that often worries all of us.


The speaker related an experience that he had while watching the news one afternoon. I think it was the Malaysian airlines incident over the Ukraine that was being reported on.

Suddenly the TV and the room disappeared, and he saw a scene of green pastures with a rainbow in the background and children playing (essences). He understood that the essences that die now in accidents or that will die in the events of the times of the end will be placed by the divine Law in other regions or places where they will be safe and will future lives and perhaps even given chances to start and complete their self-realisation.

He said after this experience he felt a relief and his worries and disquietudes about this died down. Because he knew that all these essences in many beautiful and good people will be looked after and will be ok.

He also said that when an essence is going to die in one of these conflicts the Monad of the essence knows and the essence will be given several other chances, perhaps in another Mahamanvantara. Perhaps we now who have a chance in the work to get our self-realisation were those essences in previous epochs that died in the times of the end. Who knows right?

Practical Conclusion

If we are worried about what will happen with our parents our siblings and the very good and honest people that we meet and know then this experience will help us. Though if there is some good that we can do for them we should do it and not just think that they will be ok.

In other words, we don’t have to be worried about the big picture of people but by the small pictures. Help them out in the small pictures of their lives and if a door is open to help them out in the bigger picture go for it!

End (1147).

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