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Thursday 29 September 2016

The Conditioning of the Past – (1148)


This is a huge area of work for us. We are all severely conditioned by the past. This topic was talked about by my marvellous missionary.

This post goes into the topic of the past showing how we are conditioned by the past and how this conditioning can be undone.

Seeing by Virtue of the Past

We see the events of life from the past, we see people from the past and we see ourselves from the past.

The Past Influences our Perceptions and our Perceptions Produce Actions

Our perceptions are conditioned by the past and as our perception leads to actions, our current actions are conditioned by the past.

The process is:

Perception -> Concepts -> Feeling -> Emotion -> Action.

We talk to people from the past, we open a door according to what happened in the past. We answer the phone according to what happened in the past etc.

When Stuck in the Past

What we do if we are stuck in the past is that we end up projecting our past into our future instead of our present into our future!

Judging by the Past

When we judge others, myself and life by virtue of the past we end up usually coming to negative conclusions.

When judge by virtue of the past we sabotage the present!

Ego and the Past

The ego is memory and it has many memory banks. It in fact lives in the past and feeds off the past.

Only the free essence can see things correctly. For that matter the inner mind is the part in our mind that also sees things correctly.

Resentment, hatred, self-love, lust, jealousy etc. can not live without the past.

The ego needs the past to keep it going in the present.

Karma and the Past

Karma is time, space and memory.

If we were to not have karma, we would have a very different way of speaking because speaking creates much karma.

Because of karma we get attached to the past and act out of it.

It is advisable to not pray with pain from the past, because pain attracts more pain.

We project our karma which is from the past onto the present.

To remove much of the conditioning our essence is subject to, we have to delve into the past.

Removing the Conditioning of the Past

The transformation of impressions is pure Alchemy in the psychological sense or dimension.

We have to transform the past by virtue of transforming values! That is taking the value outside of relativity and duality.

The problem is that we open the door to the past. We answer the present with past and we will answer to the future by today.

If we go into our past we must do so, to work, to transform, that is to dig into it to find material to learn, not to get stuck there, and when we get stuck in the past we get stagnated.

Because the ego lives in the past we will find it there.

End (1148).

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