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Friday 9 September 2016

Are we Our Sexual Energy? – (1097)

Short Answer

To a large degree we have to be!


There really is a very intimate connection between us and our sexual energy. Whatever ‘us’ we think of ourselves as being there is a very intimate connection there between ‘us’ and the sexual energy.

If we think we are the body, there is a strong connection, if we think we are the mind, there is a strong connection and if we think we are the consciousness, which is what we are really, there is a very intimate connection there. They are very close.


I am just going to expand on how our consciousness is connected to our sexual energy.

When we transmute the transmuted sexual energy is absorbed into our consciousness producing that characteristic increase in lucidity and clarity in our consciousness. If it is not of the consciousness how can our consciousness absorb it? The consciousness doesn’t absorb impressions it actually transforms them and absorbs the transformed result which is of its own nature: wisdom, love, comprehension etc.

When a person falls by losing the sexual energy, the result is that they lose some of their consciousness and their level of Being drops. So the two are related, lose sexual energy = lose consciousness.

The more the sexual energy is lost the more we lose ourselves, so much so that we descend into the bowels of nature far away from our real reality (our Being) to have ourselves erased and renewed by nature through the process of involution. Master Samael said about this remembering when he was in involution he remembered that he was becoming a mineral and his egos were losing the sexual energy until all his sexual energy was extinguished and then the process of involution was complete.

Next Logical Thought

In the next post I am going to expand upon an answer to a question that logically springs out of this line of thought and it is: “Is it Wrong to Identify with our Sexual Energy?”.

End (1097).

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