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Thursday 8 September 2016

Where do Our Virtues Come From? – (1096)


This teaching comes from my marvellous missionary.

The Question

In class one night the question was asked “Where do our virtues come from?”.


The essence.

Reply to Answer

Yes, but there is something else.

Second Answer

The sexual energy!

Reply to Second Answer

Yes! Why?

Student Reply

Because it is the source of everything.


Yes it is the source of everything but that is not the specific answer.

Full Explanation

The sexual energy as the source of everything is the general answer but specifically it is because from the sexual energy springs forth the bodies and if there are no bodies, there are no virtues. Because virtues are that which are acted out in a certain plane of existence using the bodies.

It has been said that the sexual energy internally appears like a collection of precious jewels, indicating its high value and the various values or virtues that it contains.


So virtues are related to our sexual energy. That is another reason why it is so important to cultivate our sexual energy.

Where cultivate does not really mean to eat lots of good food, drink pure water and breathe fresh, clean air, but to work in purifying our waters or sexual energy with psychological work and transmutation.

End (1096).

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