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Wednesday 7 September 2016

Don’t be Tricked and Say “That was the Last Time” – (1094)

We Say that to Ourselves

That was the last time I am going to get angry, no more anger that is it. But the reality is a week passes and we are angry again.

Sometimes though we say it and we fulfil it but most of the time this is not the case.

Just some advice, be really really sure before you say those words to another person! If you fail once, in their eyes they will start to stop believing in you and that is not good!

Why do we Say it and not Fulfil it?

The simple answer is because that ego is not dead or has not been weakened sufficiently for the manifestation to not occur or for us as the free essence to not be able to stop it.

Yes that is right you are the free essence. When you have a choice, to get angry, jealous, lustful, proud, resentful etc. or not, that is a choice being presented by the free essence to itself. That is, you and me the free essence in there, is that which decides either yes or no.

The problem is when we say “that was the last time” we believe it and we don’t go and work on that ego making sure that that will really be the last time. It is better to say to ourselves that that won’t be the last time, and we then we get scared and actually work.

More Realistic to Tell Ourselves it Will Happen Again

It is always better to side with the truth always. So the truth is that the ego will want to manifest again and if we are the same it will manifest just as it did the last time.

So we tend to overestimate our will and believe in it, which is good but it is much better if we give our will heaps of support by making that ego as weak as possible before its next cycle of manifestation comes along.


Be realistic and tell yourself if I don’t work hard on it, it can manifest again and as a disclaimer, this only works when we really don’t want to have that ego manifest again in us physically.

End (1094).

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