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Thursday 8 September 2016

Conscious Faith – (1095)


Conscious Faith is something of a quality that belongs to our consciousness. It has certain real powers over our interior processes. The most important and immediate power is that it can create a certain peace and calm within us when otherwise we would be filled with fear and worry.

It has this power because it is conscious, it has faith in what the consciousness knows to be real. It is not too far away from intuition and it is like the opposite of fear, but it is a bit more than that.

A Formula

There is a simple formula to develop conscious faith. Study plus experience equals conscious faith. If we just study and don’t experience, we are not going to experience conscious faith. But if we combine the two we can get to experience conscious faith and this is the power.

When we have only read and we are facing reality, we have that very familiar situation going on. Half of our head thinks it will be ok but the other half and our emotions and instinct say it won’t be and we end up worried and we try not to be, but we are mostly.

A Mechanical Type of Faith

There is mechanical faith which is the faith of the gambler that says with this game I’ll win and I’ll win back all that I have lost.

Usually what happens is that he or she loses and then the same though reappears and the cycle continues until disaster or physical limitations stop him or her.

Conscious faith is different, it has knowledge and understanding as a base.


Fear like faith are related in a way with the future. Fear is all about the future. We are always scared of something happening and that is future all over. Faith can be in some aspects applied to the future but is related to many other things such as a being the product of knowing by the consciousness. Whenever the consciousness knows something conscious faith in that which know is produced.

For example, as soon as our consciousness knows the Being conscious faith in the Being is born.

Conscious Faith and the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit in us Master Samael says is the one that illuminates us or sends the light for us to comprehend. With this light which sparks comprehension we come to have conscious faith.

So conscious faith is a gift of the Holy Spirit or Third Logos and so we when we are needing light, comprehension and faith we can always ask help from our Third Logos, Holy Spirit or Binah.

Master Samael gives the mantra IN EN to invoke our Third Logos.

End (1095).

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