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Monday 19 September 2016

Feel Like an Elemental – (1121)


With this post I want to present something about the qualities of the elements.

There is nothing really here that is that important (won’t dissolve any painful/bothersome ego), but is only a way of verifying what has been taught about the elements.

It is good to experience for oneself the qualities of the elements, because we can then actually be more conscious of the qualities of the elements that we have in our own nature or constitution.

A Place of the Elements

I am very fond of, if I ever have the chance, to meditate on the elements being right in front of them or having them close by.

The best situation is to go where their power can be felt or at least where they are the dominate feature in our immediate space. For example, on a boat and in a plane it is water and air. By the beach or a river it is water and in front of a camp fire it is fire and in a cave it is earth, in a forest it is a combination of earth, water, air, the elementals of trees and plants etc.

I have only ever tried this with water and fire. I have meditated on these elements by a river and in front of a fire.

A Practice

Imagine yourself being transparent and your body totally hollow and all that you are is consciousness entering into the domain of the element you are meditating on.

If you are meditating on fire, enter into the flames, be amongst the flames, fuse with the heat, the energy and dance with the flames and embrace the sparking, popping and crackling of the burning wood. If you are meditating on water enter the water, breathe in water and dive deep, be totally immersed in the water and feel the cold and damp vitality of the water, feel the current - its movement and dissolve into the whole body of water you are meditating on.

If we do this really well with concentration, just wait and slowly almost unaware to oneself, the feeling of the elementals in that element will appear in you (for a minute or less), in your essence and then in your psychology. And that is where you can know how they feel and so be able to gleam their qualities. and maybe if you a bit sleepy you may be able to see something new...

The following paragraphs are perhaps some of the things you may feel when meditating like this or in a similar fashion on water and fire.

First – Their Feeling – Their Joy

It seems that the elementals of each element feel a certain joy and strength of being. They are completely happy to be what they are and to be in and of the element they are in. There is a certain joy that they exude. Thy feel united and strong to be as they are in their element. Thus the common expression – “he/she is in his/her element”.

The joy and strength of each element is different, of a different quality and flavour.

When one tastes the feeling of the element, one’s fear of the element disappears and one feels their joy. For example, one may be scared of the ocean and of fire but when we fuse into that element using such a practice that fear goes and the joy of being one with it appears for a minute.

We can only do this with our consciousness and it is only the consciousness that has the power to penetrate into and fuse with things. If we try it with our physical body, we are going to be burnt to a crisp or end up drowned. So we don't have to be excellent swimmers of fire resistant mutants to feel something about them.


With fire there is a certain strength and confidence where they feel strong that they can conquer all that is in their way. Similar to a feeling of being in a powerful army that is advancing. Fire when unleashed advances, expands, conquers and lays waste to all that lies in its path.

Unfortunately, when men go to war, the element that accompanies them the most is fire, in its crude form or in the form of being enclosed and released in explosives. Modern warfare could not exist without fire. Perhaps no war would exist at all if the fire element was used positively, constructively and focused inwardly to solve the issue prompting the cause of war.

There is energy amongst the flames, the flames and the salamanders themselves are that energy, they are the energy being released from what is burning. Because everything can burn, they are present in everything in various quantities, and when they are released we can see and feel their qualities.

The salamanders are energy and they are strong, they are united in their strength and they are determined and confident in their ability to expand.


The joy of water and the strength of water is its unity and ease of communication and communion amongst the unity. The joy and strength of water is that one feels united, joined with all the other bodies of water that lie many great distances away. They are in touch and in tune with all the bodies of water that they meet. Really, the water on the Earth surface covers 71% of the earth’s available surface area and this 71% of water forms one body, one great ocean of water.

The undines feel like joyful, to be united and strong in partaking of the great vastness or expansive unity and vitality that is what the ocean's are. They are a source of life.

Water is really special because it receives many cosmic radiations and transmits them to all living things on earth. It has a role of giving and nourishing life.

The undines are like nurturing and caring and in their feeling they are joining, uniting and all the opposite of rejection, separation and isolation.

Concluding Point – All Strengths

The elements that make us up are strong and are all about strengths in different qualities or values or directions. So why are we so weak?

Because our psychology doesn’t know that the elements by their very own natural nature in us are strong and we identify with the egos that are weak and think and feel to be weak and we become that weak nature instead of the strong nature that is natural for the elements that are in us. Our natural nature is strong like the elements that make us up.

End (1121).

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