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Thursday 15 September 2016

A Strong Aspect of the Hypnotic Grip of the Egos is in the Perception of a ‘Need’ – (1120)


For the work on some egos working on ‘perceived needs’ is very helpful in weakening the hypnotic grip that these egos have over our free essence.

This post offers an investigation on this point of ‘perceived needs’ that are not really real needs.

The 'false needs' are of the egos and appear as real ones, and there we
get confused and tricked by our own egos.

That Which is a Need Can’t be Ignored

A need is something that we have to have, or something that we can not go without. Just like food, water, air, clothing and shelter, we have to have them to live. If something is a need for us we have to have it, and that is where a large part of the strength of the ego resides.

So then when we perceive something as a need we become convinced that we have to have that thing or do that thing, and that thing can be anything from an object to an apology, to a desire, to a justification, to receiving a thank you or to an astral experience etc. etc.

Symptoms of ‘Perceived Needs’

When we perceive something as a need we feel that we are missing something, that we lack something, that something is not right, we feel restless without it, we feel unbalanced and unstable, we feel incomplete, we feel almost obsessed in the pursuit of it etc. etc. All because we perceive something as a need, and the most important question to ask ourselves is it a real need?

There is Something True in Them and Something False

Just as an aside, when there is the perception of a need sometimes there is something there that has to be done or balanced or compensated. And very true it must be balanced or compensated and this can be done perfectly through practical action or from within ourselves and not fulfilling the need exactly like the ego wishes it to be fulfilled.

For example, at work you are told that a document you produced is not very good and needs improvement. Suddenly you feel the need to justify. Well, true something has to be done, and the way to do it is to get to work and improve it and go within and use the truth to balance that apparent need by telling yourself, well true: “I see their point and implementing the improvements will benefit everyone, they will appreciate it, I will learn something, I will learn how to be a little freer from justification and attachment to my self-image etc.”. So within ourselves as soon as we perceive a benefit then we come to balance within, and the ‘need’ to justify becomes a false need and one which we can now discard.

How the Hypnotic Grip Uses ‘Perceived Needs’

The ego uses the perception of a need as part of its hypnotic grip on us or on the free essence. I say hypnotic grip because ‘the need’ is not really a real need and so the ego does a work of hypnotising or making the free essence, which is us, to believe that we need that thing, when we really don’t.

The first step to get free from this hypnotic grip is to make complete our realisation that the perception or feeling of a need that the ego proposes is not a real need at all. We have to drill down deep into it to discover if it is a real need or not, and then drum this understanding (that it is not a real need) deep into ourselves, all the way into our subconscious. I stress though that before we do the latter, we have to have logically and truthfully come to the conclusion that it is not a real need. If not it won’t work.

How it Blinds Us

When we have the perception of a need we can’t and don’t see that what is going on in us, what is thinking and feeling in us is an ego. We remain oblivious to that.

We tend to see it as something natural and biological for example, or something that we need for our well-being or the fault of another etc. etc.

What it really is, is an ego that is like a spoilt kid relentlessly wanting something and kicking up a big storm within us when it is not getting what it wants. It uses beguiling thoughts and images and compelling emotions to get what it wants.

In the Egos

In Lust

These false but perceived as real needs are many, and this ego uses these perceived needs a lot. I’m not really going to mention any because, oh I don’t know, you may even be reading this line anyway, so here are some, only because it may be more useful than me saying “discover them for yourself”.

We feel we need company of the opposite sex, someone of the opposite sex to love us, someone of the opposite sex for us to love, someone of the opposite sex to look after us, someone of the opposite sex to express sexually with, etc. etc. You may say that this is all fine and maybe they are, just look inside to see where these things come from. They are worth an examination.

In Pride

This ego uses these not real needs but perceived as real needs a lot as well. The need to be respected, to be esteemed, to be thought of well, to be cared for, to be taken into account, to be included, to be loved, to be listened to, to be smiled at, to be spoken to respectfully, to be welcomed, to receive kindness, to be treated equally and not less, to be rewarded, etc.


When we say the words “I need” or simply that we feel that we need something and that something we know is mixed up with an ego, go straight away to investigate the truth of that perceived need.

Even in any ego, drill down deep into it to find out what its needs are. Then armed with the truth go to break it open and reveal in truth whether it is really needed.

End (1120).

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