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Tuesday 27 September 2016

Laws of Correspondence and the Opposites in Human Beings (Beauty) – (1143)


Master Samael mentioned in several of his books the laws of correspondence, opposites and analogies.

This post is a brief look at how the laws of correspondence and opposites applies to human beings.
As brief note, these two laws can be seen operating in human beings in the way the three realities (physical, psychological and esoteric) of human beings relate to one another. Sometimes the three realities correspond and sometimes they are the opposite.

The Roman God Janus

Furthermore, when one of these laws does not apply, it usually directly implies that the other ones applies. For example, if in a human being the psychological does not correspond with the physical the psychological will be the opposite to the physical. If it is not one law that applies, it is the other law that applies.

Laws of Correspondence and Opposites in Relation to Beauty

In relation to beauty there are four types of human beings.

One - Outer and Inner Correspond in Beauty

There are those that are beautiful inside that is within their psychology and are beautiful outside, that is the law of correspondence works making the inner and outer of the person correspond.

Two –Outer and Inner Correspond in Ugliness

There are those that are ugly inside, that is within their psychology (many heavy egos) and they are ugly outside, in their physical appearance. Here the outer and inner correspond.

Three – Outer and Inner are Opposed in Beauty

There are those that are beautiful inside, that is within their psychology, meaning that they have less ego and the values of their essence are active within their psychology. Yet their physical appearance is ugly. The inner and outer of the person stand as opposites.

Four – Outer and Inner are Opposed in Ugliness

There are those that are ugly inside, they have many nasty and heavy egos active in their psychology, yet they are very beautiful in their physical appearance. The inner and outer natures stand as opposite to one another.

Most Common

It seems that the majority of us human beings in the condition in which are in are all ugly inside. Making the types of people two and four mentioned above to be the most common.

It makes sense that really the law of correspondence should rule and so we should all be ugly because our interior is that way however, there are people that are ugly inside and are beautiful outside. Why is this? Also why are there people with a beautiful psychology that are ugly?

Why the Inner and Outer Sides of Human Beings Correspond and are the Opposite

Our Divine Mother is the one that creates our physical body in accordance with the law or our karma. So in relation to the outer and inner being opposite it is because of karma. The karma that the person has does not allow the Divine Mother to create as beautifully as her love may allow.

We never know too, maybe the Divine Mother creates according to what is best for us. We may have the merits to have a beautiful body but the Divine Mother creates otherwise, perhaps for our good.

It is the love of our Divine Mother that if the law allows it to create a beautiful body for us even when our psychology or egos are very ugly.

When there is Mostly Essence the Law of Correspondence in Human Beings Applies

In general when we are mostly essence, that is free essence and little or less egos (“I’s”) what we have in our psychology is acted out in here in the physical world.

For example, if we are strong in our psychology we will be energetic and strong here physically.

When their Mostly Ego the Law of Opposites in Human Beings Applies

In general, when we are mostly ego, the law pf opposites always tends to apply. For example, the case of ‘control freaks’ where we appear very strong and in charge physically but within our psychology we are full of weakness that is behind that strong and in charge behaviour.

End (1143).

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